Don't want your mouth to smell like garlic? Try this solution
Ohio State University scientists have announced a new, proven solution to eliminate garlic odor, the fat and protein in yogurt prevents almost all of garlic's smelly compounds from escaping into the air.
The researchers analyzed the components of yogurt (including water, fat, and protein) to neutralize sulfur compounds (which give off the characteristic smell of raw and cooked garlic). The findings showed that yogurt alone reduces 99% of the effect of odor-producing volatile substances in raw garlic.
According to the researchers, each component of fat, water and protein in yogurt had a neutralizing effect, but fat and protein were more effective than water, so high-fat yogurt was better than low-fat yogurt.
Professor Cheryl Barringer said that the proteins in yogurt can also trap fugitive molecules even before they are released into the air. "A lot of times that's seen as a negative, especially if a high-protein food has less flavor, but in this case it can be seen as a positive."